Betty is Better with Scratchit™

There are only a few retailers who’ve stuck with the PCSO through thick and thin and Betty Liao is one of them. She is one of the rare few whose business dates back to the age of Sweepstakes, of which she was one of the pioneering stores. In fact, she gamely states with a chuckle that she is PCSO authorized reseller #11 for Lotto nationwide, which proves just how long she’s been in the business. And by being in this business for so long, she is able to recognize what works, what doesn’t and what makes a profit.

Lotto owners shouldn’t be constrained to offering just Lotto when they could be making so much more. Betty makes it a point to try out everything that the PCSO has to offer because for one, she believes that they all have their market and more importantly, it’s for charity. She goes on further to state that nowadays, it isn’t feasible anymore to just rely on Lotto alone. Given the rising cost of electricity and manpower, limiting yourself to one product just isn’t good business. When she first started offering Scratchit™ instant tickets, she immediately saw the potential in the product. There is also a larger profit margin for retailers for Scratchit™, which offers a 10% commission as opposed to Lotto’s 5%. With this in mind, Betty’s earnings from instant tickets is almost at the same level as her Lotto commissions and that’s saying a lot!

What are best business practices for Betty? For Scratchit™ instant tickets, Betty declares that it’s all about trust. Trust towards her people, and trust in the recommendations Scratchit™ representatives give her. Betty’s business was already doing well but through marketing efforts and a site makeover, she has more than doubled her income in instant tickets! This increase in sales underscores the importance of displaying tickets, and always having stock on hand so that customers always have a variety of choices to suit their playing style.

What’s in store for Betty Liao in the future? She sets her sights on being the top Scratchit™ retailer in the country. She tells us that her main competitor isn’t the other Lotto outlets around her but rather herself. It is this work ethic of striving for the best that differentiates her from the others and what would ultimately take her to the top. Judging by how well she is doing right now, that dream isn’t too far away.